Thank you for checking out my site! This is a little collection of what I'm up to, as well as a hub for my works across the net.
This is currently a work in progress and is not in its prettiest state. However, its use is mostly functional. Please bear with me for the time being.
Writing, Longfic: Peculiar Star (Chapters 16/26)
Writing, Shortfic: Currently working on comissioned works.
Drawing: Slug.
I've been considering making a zine of my own, be it just an update of what I've been doing for a given season or month as a recurring issue. You can make your input known here on what you'd like to see and how often.
My name's Joshua Kirsche (keyr-shuh), but some people online call me Oracle. I'm a student. I have too many hobbies to track, and I guess that's why I'm here. My major socials are listed in my header, but if it's a specific concern or buisness thing, you can email me here.
I enjoy a lot of different anime, tv, and video games, and I love creating fancontent of all kinds. If you like the things I do, you're more than free to talk to me about them! Though I'll probably talk your ear off first. If you'd like to be added to the friends list below, I'd be more than happy to add you!